Here is how the story goes...
I changed the X20's headlight bulb from the stock bulb to the Philips X-treme Power which promises +80% more light due to the 25m long beam it produces. Been happy with the bulbs output & range over the last 1 year. Other bulbs which other X20's owners were using withing the Philip bulb family, were the Philip Crystal Vision which produces 4300k light (yellowish white) and the Philips Diamond Vision which produces about 5000k light (blueish white). Granted the Philip X-treme doesn't come as bright as the other bulbs, but it certainly was brighter then the stock bulb.

X-treme which give you 80% more light

Which give you 5000k light claimed to be whiter then some HID bulbs

All was fine and good, until a week back one of the bulbs decided to fail on me. Was running One headlight that night, luckily the fog light were there to compensate. So it was back to the drawing board. It was a tough fight between Crystal Vision and Diamond Vision, both would suit me just fine, but in the end since the X20 was mainly used for city driving I decided to go with the Diamond Vision instead. This was also done, after going through a few user reviews on the net, and recommendation on the Philips consumer website which quotes the light which is suitable for city driving.
Received the Diamond Vision bulbs today, but will wait till the weekend before that part of the experiment begins. Is it truly whiter and brighter then the X-treme?
Will keep you guys updated...
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